Our Dentists

Dr Tania Nixon

Graduated from University of Western Australia in 2001 B.D.Sc
Tania has a special interest in Oral Surgery, Prosthetics and dental makeovers.
She has two teenage boys. Tania enjoys travelling, going to the Footy and catching up with friends.

Dr Darren Schmidtke

Graduated from Melbourne University in 1988 B.D.Sc
Darren has a passion for Root Canal Treatment and many other facets of general dentistry.

Dr Raymond Smith

Dr Raymond, graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1980 BDS. Raymond has a special interest in prevention and giving patients the information and skills to better enable them to improve their oral health and reduce their disease risk. It is important to prevent gum disease to prevent many medical complications. Raymond and his wife have been in Australia for 19 years now.