Tell me about veneers.

Are you dissatisfied with your smile? You may want to consider veneers. Veneers are made of porcelain and specially shaped to fit an individual patient’s teeth. They’ll look natural, straight, and bright. But how do veneers work? Read below to find out. How Do Veneers Work? Your dentist will bond your veneers to your natural […]

Root Canal, is it as bad as people tell me?

While you’re suffering from a tooth in need of a root canal, root canals are suffering from an unjustifiably horrible reputation. Just hearing the words root canal sends a shiver down some peoples spines. But why? What have root canals done to deserve such infamy? Both the procedure and the recovery involved are temporary and completely tolerable. Although they […]

Don’t be afraid of the Dentist.

So, you’ve got your next dentist appointment coming up at Gentle Dental Geelong, and you are nervous about it. Or maybe you’re more than nervous, perhaps even scared. Or, you don’t have one coming up at all because of your fear, you’ve put it off. Fear of the dentist is not uncommon. However, it’s not helping […]

Say Goodbye to Your Tooth Ache in Geelong!

Dental problems are never any fun, but the good news is that most of them can be easily prevented. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, eating properly and regular dental check ups are essential in preventing dental problems. Educating yourself about common dental problems and their causes can also go a long way in prevention.